Enable phoenixNAP BMC API integration

For each phoenixNAP BMC location you need to define an individual Site in Netris Controller.

Go to Netris Web Console → Net → Sites and click +Add.

You only need to deal with the below 5 fields. Leave the rest to default values for now.

Netris Parameter

What to do:

Switch Fabric

Select “PhoenixNAP BMC” from the dropdown menu.


Type a descriptive name for your phoenixNAP BMC location.

PhoenixNAP Client ID

Create a new API Credential with “bmc” scope in phoenixNAP BMC portal under API Credentials → + Create Credentials. Then copy/paste Client ID.

PhoenixNAP Client Secret

Copy/Paste the Client Secret from the already created API Credential.

PhoenixNAP Location

Select your phoenixNAP BMC location from the dropdown menu.

phoenixNAP BMC API Credential


Netris Create New Site
