Netris June 2023 Newsletter
What’s in this blog?
- Fuga Cloud, EU’s Provider for Secure Cloud is featured at the upcoming Netris Connect Roundtable.
- Netris 4.0 release is around the corner, bringing: Active-Active LAG and multi VPC (with overlapping IP addresses)
- Case study: This company recently moved from AWS to a Private Cloud with Netris Improving Unit Economics By 90%
- Our newly launched Professional Services are growing
- Transcript of Kelsey Hightowers’ office hours event at last Kubecon
Fuga Cloud, EU’s Provider for Secure Cloud at Netris Connect Roundtable on 27th June.
Ever wondered what it would be like to create an alternative cloud service provider? Or what is the difference from a cloud consumer perspective?
Learn more about this episode.
Paul Bankert (CEO & founder) and Arnoud de Jonge (DevOps Engineer) of Fuga Cloud are the panelists for the upcoming Netris Connect Roundtable.
Netris 4.0 release is around the corner
Two major features are ongoing the final tests, Netris 4.0 is set to be released in a couple of weeks.
- Active Active LAG (Link Aggregation) for server multihoming. We took the automation of LAG configuration to the next level. When you use some switch ports with Netris V-NET service and you only enable LACP on the server side Netris will automatically understand that your intention is to have redundant connection with 2 switches and based on MAC address and other LACP metadata the LAG functionality will be configured on the switches automatically.
We call this feature Automatic LAG. Manual custom LAG configs are available too. This new functionality is using VXLAN Multihoming, it is currently supported only by Nvidia Switches with Cumulus NOS. On all other switches Netris will automatically configure active/standby LAG.
- Multiple VPC (sometimes used as VRF) functionality will allow for using overlapping IP addresses for Netris managed switch fabrics, and in next release we are planning to extend the multi VPC functionality to SoftGate nodes too.
Case study: This company recently moved from AWS to a Private Cloud with Netris Improving Unit Economics By 90%
Check out this case study to learn more about how AcceleratXR has built a private cloud on bare metal and has moved their cloud native workloads from AWS in to their own cloud.
Netris Professional Services
We’ve launched Professional Services beyond just Netris software to start helping folks with their Network Engineering, DevOps, tasks as well as to help with providing managed platforms. So far the most popular projects we’re working across a handful of customers are:
- Fully Managed OpenStack solution (Ceph for storage, MAAS for bootstrapping, Netris for networking) – to replace Vmware virtualization cluster.
- Fully Managed Apache CloudStack (+Ceph, MAAS, Netris) solution to help customer launch Tier-3 cloud services offering.
Learn More: https://www.netris.io/consulting/
Transcript of Kelsey Hightowers’ office hours event at last Kubecon
Kelsey took the time to answer audience questions around career advice and the future of technologies, we’re sharing the transcript of these conversations to let more people enjoy, if of interest.